


2017_04_Enhancing the Experience Application Program Interface (xAPI) to Improve Domain Competency Modeling for Adaptive Instruction

User documentation

This paper describes methods for enhancing the experience application program interface (xAPI) to improve the assessment of domain competency modeling for adaptive instruction. xAPI is an e-learning software specification which allows individual learning experiences and achievements to be amassed in a Learning Record Store (LRS). Adaptive instruction includes tailored training or educational experiences usually delivered and guided by Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). ITSs can more effectively tailor or adapt instruction when they have more accurate models of the learner’s prior knowledge or competency. This paper examines the potential effect of methods to more accurately model learner experiences and domain competency in an LRS. Specifically, we recommend five methods to improve xAPI statements by documenting: 1) achievement types; 2) experience duration; 3) experience source information; 4) domain learning and forgetting; and 5) assessment within learning experiences.

Presented at the 2017 Learning @ Scale Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Sottilare, R. A., Long, R. A., & Goldberg, B. S. (2017, April). Enhancing the Experience Application Program Interface (xAPI) to Improve Domain Competency Modeling for Adaptive Instruction. In Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 265-268). ACM.


lsw144-sottilare.pdf (432 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 07/04/2017 09:08 PM [D/L : 2299]