


2018_07_HCII Augmented Cognition Conference_Community Models to Enhance Adaptive Instruction

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Abstract. This paper discusses the need and methods to develop community-based persona (learner models) to tie together key learner attributes and learning outcomes (e.g., knowledge acquisition) with the goal of facilitating the validation of adaptive instructional strategies and tactics. Adaptive instruction, sometimes referred to as differentiated instruction, is a learning experience tailored to the needs and preferences of each individual learner or team in which strategies (recommendations and plans for action) and tactics (actions by the tutor) are selected with the aim of optimizing learning, performance, retention, and the transfer of skills between the instructional environment (usually provided by an Intelligent Tutoring System or ITS) and the work or operational environment where the skills learned will be applied. Adaptive instructional systems (AISs) use human variability and other learner attributes along with instructional conditions to select appropriate strategies and tactics. This is usually accomplished through the use of machine learning techniques, but large amounts of data are needed to reinforce the learning of these algorithms over
time. We propose a method to develop community models more quickly by enabling diverse groups to contribute the results of their experiments and
training data in a common instructional domain to a cloud-based model that could be shared by various instructional applications.

Citation: Sottilare, R. (2018, July). Community Models to Enhance Adaptive Instruction. In Foundations of Augmented Cognition (pp. 78-88). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91470-1_8.

Keywords: Adaptive Instructional Systems (AISs), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs), Learner modeling, Reinforcement learning


1583.pdf (131 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 07/23/2018 01:32 PM [D/L : 1668]