


2018_06_Learning @ Scale Conference_Towards Adapting to Learners at Scale: Integrating MOOC and Intelligent Tutoring Frameworks

User documentation

Instruction that adapts to individual learner characteristics is often more effective than instruction that treats all learners as the same. A practical approach to making
MOOCs adapt to learners may be by integrating frameworks for intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). Using the Learning Tools Interoperability standard (LTI), we integrated two intelligent tutoring frameworks (GIFT and CTAT) into edX. We describe our initial explorations of four adaptive instructional patterns in the PennX MOOC “Big Data and Education.” The work illustrates one route to adaptivity at scale.

Citation: Aleven, V., Sewell, J., Popescu, O., Sottilare, R., Long, R., & Baker, R. (2018, June). Towards Adapting to Learners at Scale: Integrating MOOC and Intelligent Tutoring Frameworks. In Proceedings of the Learning @ Scale Conference, London, England, June 26-28, 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3231644.3231671


LS2018GIFT.pdf (173 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 10/15/2018 10:27 AM [D/L : 1837]