


2012_05_FDG - Automated Scenario Generation: Toward Tailored and Optimized Military Training in Virtual Environments

User documentation

Abstract: Scenario-based training exemplifies the learning-by-doing approach to human performance improvement. In this paper, we enumerate the advantages of incorporating automated scenario generation technologies into the traditional scenario development pipeline. An automated scenario generator is a system that creates training scenarios from scratch, augmenting human authoring to rapidly develop new scenarios, providing a richer diversity of
tailored training opportunities, and delivering training scenarios on demand. We introduce a combinatorial optimization approach to scenario generation to deliver the requisite diversity and quality of scenarios while tailoring the scenarios to a particular learner’s needs and abilities. We propose a set of evaluation metrics appropriate to scenario generation technologies and present preliminary evidence for the suitability of our approach compared
to other scenario generation approaches.

Zook, A., Lee-Urban, S., Riedl, M. O., Holden, H. K., Sottilare, R. A., & Brawner, K. W. (2012, May). Automated scenario generation: toward tailored and optimized military training in virtual environments. In Proceedings of the international conference on the foundations of digital games (pp. 164-171). ACM.


fdg12-final_0.pdf (3.07 MB) Brawner, Keith, 12/05/2012 09:43 AM [D/L : 2132]

fdg12 Presentation.pdf (595 KB) Connor, Janice, 04/05/2013 09:25 AM [D/L : 864]