


2013_12_Adaptive Tutoring Research Outline - ARL Special Report

User documentation

Current Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training also known as one-to-many instruction. Recently, the Army has placed significant emphasis on self-regulated learning (SRL) methods to augment institutional training. Per the Army Learning Model (ALM), Soldiers will be largely responsible for their own learning. One-to-one human tutoring has been shown to be significantly more effective than one-to-many instruction, but is not practical. An alternative to one-to-one human tutoring is one-to-one computer-based tutoring using Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) which have been shown to be effective in promoting individual learning in static, simple, well-defined domains (e.g., mathematics). To be practical, high authoring costs and limited adaptiveness barriers must be addressed. This outline describes a strategy to address key ITS design challenges and expand the horizons of SRL. Research is needed to: reduce cost/skill to author ITSs; enhance the adaptiveness of ITSs; and expand ITSs domains to support more dynamic, complex, and ill-defined domains to match the Army’s operational mission. The interdependent nature of Army tasks also requires tutoring of squads and other teams. The intent of this report is to inform and educate stakeholders, and focus potential collaborators on relevant issues within the adaptive tutoring research space.


ARL-SR-0284.pdf (400 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 12/11/2013 08:06 AM [D/L : 3146]