


2015_10_Individual Learner and Team Modeling for Adaptive Training and Education in Support of the US Army Learning Model: Research Outline

User documentation

While human tutoring and mentoring are common teaching tools, current US Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training, also known as “one-to-many” instruction. Recently, the US Army placed significant emphasis on self-regulated learning (SRL) methods to augment institutional training where Soldiers will be largely responsible for managing their own learning. In support of the US Army Learning Model and to provide affordable, tailored, SRL training and educational capabilities for the US Army, the US Army Research Laboratory is investigating and developing adaptive tools and methods to largely automate the authoring (creation), delivery of instruction, and evaluation of computer-regulated training and education capabilities. A major goal within this research program is to reduce the time and skill required to author, deliver, and evaluate adaptive technologies to make them usable by a larger segment of the training and educational community. This research includes 5 interdependent research vectors: individual learner and unit modeling, instructional management principles, domain modeling, authoring tools and methods, and evaluation tools and methods. This report (1 of 6 interdependent research outlines) focuses on individual learner and team modeling research for adaptive training and education. Learner and team models enable adaptive training systems to determine the most appropriate training content and/or methods for each individual or team. The research focuses on the structure of those models and how those models can be used to best adapt training. This outline describes past and current research on learner and team modeling and identifies research gaps that need to be addressed.

Goodwin, G., Johnston, J., Sottilare, R., Brawner, K., Sinatra, A., & Graesser, A. (2015). Individual learner and team modeling for adaptive training and education in support of the US Army Learning Model: Research Outline (No. ARL-SR-0336). ARMY RESEARCH LAB ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD HUMAN RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE.


ARL-SR-0336_Learner Modeling.pdf (693 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 12/19/2015 03:54 PM [D/L : 1931]