


2015_12_I/ITSEC_Antecedents of Adaptive Collaborative Learning Environments

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This paper explores the effect of critical precursors to realizing successful collaborative instructional environments in terms of their interaction within the learning effect model (Sottilare, 2012; Fletcher & Sottilare, 2013; Sottilare, 2013; Sottilare, Ragusa, Hoffman & Goldberg, 2013) and measurable relationships to team learning in the literature. We evaluated potential antecedents of successful collaborative instruction in the literature through a large-scale meta-analysis. Adaptive collaborative learning environments are group or team instruction where the challenge level of the learning experience is driven by the shared states (e.g., cognitive, affective, physical) and team performance. Independent of the computer technology, the methodology we used examined team behaviors which included, but were not limited to: cognition, communications, coordination, conflict resolution, cooperation, coaching, and leadership. Recommendations about which team behaviors are critical antecedents to the optimal selection of instructional strategies, tactics, and techniques (policies) during adaptive training and educational experiences are also discussed with respect to their effect on team learning. This research is important to the development of effective software-based agents for adaptive systems (e.g. Intelligent Tutoring Systems) where these agents are responsible for planning and executing actions based on the needs of each unique team.

Sottilare, R., Burke, S., Johnston, J., Sinatra, A., Salas, E., & Holden, H. (2015, December). Antecedents of adaptive collaborative learning environments. In Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training Simulation & Education Conference.


2015_12_IITSEC_Sottilare, Burke, Johnston, Sinatra, Salas and Holden.pdf (513 KB) Cruz, Deeja, 04/20/2016 04:31 PM [D/L : 1807]