


3 Days to go to GIFTSym7!!!

Added by Goldberg, Ben over 5 years ago

GIFTSym7 is just 3 days away, and it looks like it will be a full house!! If you are planning to attend, and haven't registered as of yet, please do so ASAP at the following link:

If you are in need of an email confirmation, please email Elyse Burmester () and she will provide you with the appropriate documentation.

For All Presenters: please provide the final versions of your briefings by 15 May to Elyse Burmester. If you are not able to make this deadline, please notify us at your earliest convenience.

Parking Instructions: Open this news item by clicking the title. Parking instructions are provided in the attached .pdf.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days! A FINAL version of the agenda will be made available tomorrow evening. If you are in need of anything, please contact Ben Goldberg directly ().

Your GIFTsym 7 Program Committee

GIFTsym7_Parking_Instructions.pdf (253 KB) Goldberg, Ben, 05/13/2019 04:25 PM
