


GIFTSYM8 Proceedings and Day 2 Info

Added by Goldberg, Ben almost 5 years ago

GIFTSYM8 Day 1 is a wrap! Thanks to the 85+ who participated throughout the day. The proceedings are now available at the following link:

Please share with anyone and everyone!

We are excited to continue with our briefings tomorrow morning. Day Two (2) will only be a half-day (0830-1215), so make sure to check the attached agenda for presentation times. All times are Eastern Daylight-Saving Time (EDT). The primary theme for tomorrow revolves around Team-Based Intelligent Tutoring and Synthetic Training Environments. Use the below link to join in the fun!!

We look forward to an excellent Day Two!

Your GIFTsym8 Program Committee
(please direct questions to )

2020_GIFTsym8_agenda_day_2.pdf (337 KB) Goldberg, Ben, 05/28/2020 04:41 PM
