


AGENDA: Workshop on AI & Guided Experiential Learning

A workshop hosted within the International Conference on AI in Education (AIED) focused on Guided Experiential Learning (GEL).
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 1 year ago


We are excited to be hosting a FULL-DAY workshop at the upcoming International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED;

We've put an excellent program together and we're eager to share the Agenda with the broader community (visit the News link to access the attachment). We'll have a nice mix of invited talks, paper presentations and demonstrations. The workshop is being run as a HYRBID event with the ability to participate remotely. If the topic and agenda is of interest, there's still time to get registered! Visit the conference site for more information.

We're also pleased to announce that Dr. Benjamin Nye (USC-Institute for Creative Technologies) will be providing our opening keynote! We look forward to Dr. Nye kicking off the event with a though provoking presentation.
TITLE: AI Generated Scenarios for Competency Building: (How) can it work?

DESCRIPTION: Imagine creating a 3D training scenario spanning hundreds of square miles, just from a verbal description and a list of ideal versus prerequisite competencies for training. Rather than a far-off future, even today's generative AI models show the potential to generate a playable force-on-force scenario with the right pipelines and corpora. However, will it be any good? Perhaps more importantly: how can we even tell if they are any good? In this talk, we discuss both the easy part (generating a scenario) and the hard part (evaluating if that scenario supports deliberate practice toward a competency). Based on this theme, we also note potential solutions such as simulated agents, implications of strength-based assessments, and the potential for learning artifacts which bring products simulations into live practice.

If you have any questions, please contact the Workshop Chairs directly:

Benjamin Goldberg;
Robby Robson;

2023_07_AIED-GEL_ws_agenda_2.0.pdf (91.5 KB) Goldberg, Ben, 07/06/2023 09:15 PM
