


Fourth Annual GIFT Users Symposium - Call for Papers

Added by Sottilare, Robert almost 9 years ago

26 May 2016 - Educational Test Service, Chauncey Conference Center, Princeton, NJ

Scope and Topics of Interest:
The aim of this symposium is to bring together members of the GIFT User community for an in-depth exploration of tools, methods, and standards for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) as part of the research and development of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) sponsored by the US Army Research Laboratory. GIFT is a free, modular, service-oriented architecture whose goal is to make automated authoring, automated instruction, and effect analysis easy and cost-effective. GIFT has three primary objectives:

(1)reduce the skill and time needed to author ITSs
(2)provide an automated instructional capability based upon best tutoring principles, strategies, and tactics for use in ITSs;
(3)enable experimentation to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of ITS components, tools, and methods.

The program committee invites GIFT practitioners and ITS scientists to submit papers highlighting their use of GIFT and recommendations for design enhancements in the following areas: automated authoring, automated instructional management, and evaluation of learning, retention and transfer effect. Additional topics of interest include: team tutoring, multi-agent architectures for GIFT, and competency modeling/ long term learner modeling.

  • Four papers will be selected for special presentation in the GIFT Showcase to our advisory board on 24 May. The primary authors of these four special papers will be added as advisory board members for meetings on 24 and 25 May. Regular papers will be presented on 26 May.

Submission instructions:
Paper submissions should be 8-10 pages (10 page maximum) in APA format and submitted through Easy Chair at: Only submissions in .doc (Word) format will be accepted and a template will be made available on All submissions should be in English. Address any questions to .

Important Dates

GIFTSym4 Abstracts Due 2016-02-01
Author Notification of Abstract Acceptance 2016-02-12
GIFTSym4 Papers Due 2016-04-08
Author Notification of Paper Acceptance 2016-04-22
Camera Ready Papers Due 2016-05-06
Presentations Due 2016-05-17
GIFTSym4, Princeton, NJ 2016-05-26
