


GIFTSym5 Final Agenda and Call for Confirmed Attendance

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 7 years ago

Hi... below is the final agenda for GIFTSym5 which will be held 10-11 May in Orlando, Florida at the University of Central Florida Partnership III Building (3039 Technology Parkway, Room 321 A&B, Orlando, FL 32826). In order to guarantee your space at GIFTSym5, please email Kat Amaya at no later than 1 May to receive your confirmation. Space is limited. There is no cost to register for GIFTSym. We are looking forward to a great conference.

Agenda follows:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

8:30am-9:00am Opening Keynote: Dr. Robert Sottilare
9:00am-9:20am Session #1- Architecture Update: Dr. Keith Brawner
9:20am-9:40am Session #2 - Authoring Tools Update: Dr. Scott Ososky
9:40am-10:00am Session #3 - Demo - GIFT Authoring Tools: Dr. Scott Ososky

10:00am-10:20am Break

10:20am-10:50am Session #4 - Focused Authoring for Building GIFT tutors in Specialized Domains: Dr. Benjamin Bell
10:50am-11:20am Session #5 - GIFT Course Creator Wizard - Cadets Murray, Pico and Redmon
11:20am-11:40am Session #6 - Development of an Integrated, User Friendly Authoring Tool for ITSs: Mr. Fleet Davis & Dr. Jennifer Riley
11:40am-12:00pm Session #7 - Demo - GIFT Wrap: Mr. Fleet Davis & Dr. Jennifer Riley

12:00pm-1:20pm LUNCH (on your own)

1:20pm-1:40pm Session #8 - Individual Learner Modeling Update: Dr. Gregory Goodwin
1:40pm-2:10pm Session #9 - Multi-level user modeling in GIFT to Support Complex Learning Tasks: Dr. Gautam Biswas
2:10pm-2:30pm Session #10 - Physiological Based Adaptive Training - Dr. Thomas Schnell
2:30:pm-2:50pm Session #11 - UPCATS Demonstration - Dr. Thomas Schnell

2:50pm-3:20pm Break

3:20pm-3:40pm Session #12 - Team Tutoring Update: Dr. Anne Sinatra
3:40pm-4:10pm Session #13 - Building a Backbone for Multi-Agent Tutoring in GIFT: Dr. Benjamin Nye
4:10pm-4:30pm Session #14 - Wrap up and Adjourn Day 1: Dr. Robert Sottilare

Thursday, May 11, 2017

8:30am- 8:50am Session #15 - Domain Modeling Update: Dr. Robert Sottilare
8:50am-9:20pm Session #16 - Authoring Augmented Reality Scenarios for ITSs with GIFT: Mr. Andres Vargas Gonzalez
9:20am-9:50am Session #17 - Science is Zarked: An ITS for Learning Research Methods: Ms. Samantha Warta
9:50am-10:15am Session #18 - Integrating MOOCs and ITSs: edX, GIFT and CTAT: Dr. Ryan Baker

10:15am-10:45am Break

10:45am-11:15am Session #19 - Educational Data Mining using GIFT: Dr. Alan Carlin
11:15am-11:45am Session #20 - A Data Analytics Framework to Support Training Effectiveness Evaluation: Mr. Michael Smith
11:45am-12:15pm Session #21 - Modeling Training Efficiency and ROI for Adaptive Training: Dr. James Niehaus

12:15pm-1:40pm LUNCH (on your own)

1:40pm-2:00pm Session #22 - Instructional Management Update: Dr. Benjamin Goldberg
2:00pm-2:30pm Session #22 - Developing a Pattern Recognition Structure to Tailor Mid-Lesson Feedback: Dr. JT Folsom-Kovarik
2:30pm-3:00pm Session #23 - Integrating the outer loop: validated tutors for portable courses and competencies: Dr. Elliot Robson
3:00pm-3:30pm Session #24 - Toward Simulated Students for Reinforcement Learning-Driven Tutorial Planning in GIFT: Dr. Jonathan Rowe
3:30pm-4:00pm Session #25 - Wrap up and Adjourn Day 2: Dr. Robert Sottilare
