


GIFT 2017-1 Released!

*GIFT 2017-1* is now available for download on the GIFT Portal at
Added by Brawner, Keith about 7 years ago

GIFT 2017-1 is now available for download on the GIFT Portal at

Download GIFT 2017-1 directly here:

Free GIFT Account registration required to download GIFT; GIFT is available at no cost

This release features the developmental code update to what has been running on GIFT Cloud for the last number of months. A new GIFT Cloud will be deployed tomorrow morning with minimal downtime. This release features:
- Unity application – and developmental instructions on how to build and upload your own Unity WebGL application.
- EdX and LTI integration
- New courses on Anatomy and Science
- Microsoft Band Sensor
- Ability to Preview Courses during authoring
- Ability to Copy courses
- Import of surveys from Qualtrics
- Improved authoring experience for Conversation Trees
- and more...
