


Interested in Standards for Adaptive Instruction?

Added by Sottilare, Robert almost 7 years ago

The Learning Technologies Steering Committee (LTSC) under the auspices of the IEEE Computer Society has formed a 6-month Standards Study Group to investigate the possible market need for standards across a group of technologies collectively known as Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS). AIS include Intelligent Tutoring Systems and other related learning technologies that are of interest to the AAAI and AIED societies as well as other technical societies.

Standards can have an impact an enabler for streamlining and innovating processes, decreasing waste and development costs, increasing the efficiency of research and development, reducing adopters’ risks and integration costs, lowering barriers to entry for innovative products, improving interoperability and reuse, expanding markets, and supporting the development of new technologies and products.

The point of contact for the AIS study group is Dr. Bob Sottilare at the US Army Research Laboratory. If you have interest in contributing to this study group or just want to keep informed about AIS standards progress, Dr. Sottilare recommends you sign up to become a member of the Center for Adaptive Instructional Sciences (CAIS) at The CAIS website will be used to poll communities of interest like AIED about AIS problems and standards approaches, inform members about upcoming AIS events, publish opportunities to influence standards, share standards information, and report progress. We are looking forward to working closely with various societies and its members to enhance the presence, usability and effect of AIS in the world.
