GIFT 2018-1 Released!
*GIFT 2018-1* is now available for download on the GIFT Portal at
GIFT 2018-1 is now available for download on the GIFT Portal at
Download GIFT 2018-1 directly here:
Free GIFT Account registration required to download GIFT; GIFT is available at no cost
This release features the developmental code update to what has been running on GIFT Cloud for the last number of months. GIFT Cloud updates will still be deployed regularly. This release features:
- full regression testing
- iCAP improvements and remediation instructional phase
- Further EdX and LTI integration
- New sensors
- New DKF features (ability to add any GIFT course object (except another simulator) as a feedback and remediation event)
- FASTER (much faster, especially in regards to authoring)
- Use of a Learner Record Store
- and more...