


2018_05_Proceedings of the Sixth Annual GIFT Users Symposium

User documentation

The GIFT Users Symposia began in 2013 with the goal to capture successful implementations of GIFT from the user community and to share recommendations leading to more useful capabilities for GIFT authors, researchers, and learners. The attached proceedings resulted from papers accepted for the 6th Annual GIFT Users Symposium held in Orlando, Florida on 9-11 May 2017.

The files attached are the papers that have been approved for release to date along with their associated presentations.

The full proceedings as a volume are available in the last file listed below.


02_GIFTSym6_paper_Architecture_paper_20.pdf (129 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:34 PM [D/L : 1673]

01_GIFTSym6_Architecture_paper_9.pdf (1020 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:34 PM [D/L : 1743]

03_GIFTSym6_Architecture_paper_17.pdf (935 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:34 PM [D/L : 1695]

04_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_8.pdf (219 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:46 PM [D/L : 1467]

05_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_27.pdf (585 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:46 PM [D/L : 1743]

07_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_10.pdf (1.04 MB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:46 PM [D/L : 1934]

06_GIFTSym6_Instr Mgt_paper_24.pdf (5.37 MB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 03:46 PM [D/L : 1813]

08_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper 3.pdf (106 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 04:01 PM [D/L : 1529]

09_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_1.pdf (1.01 MB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 04:01 PM [D/L : 1523]

11_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_31.pdf (493 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 04:01 PM [D/L : 1497]

10_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_14.pdf (833 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/10/2018 04:01 PM [D/L : 835]

12_GIFTSym6_Exp_Analysis_Eval_paper_19.pdf (155 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:20 AM [D/L : 1772]

13_GIFTSym6_Exp_Analysis_Eval_paper_15.pdf (397 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:20 AM [D/L : 2089]

14_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_4.pdf (194 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 1509]

16_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_21.pdf (1.28 MB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 4417]

15_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_2.pdf (604 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 2452]

18_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_11.pdf (48 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 1682]

17_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_18.pdf (520 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 1791]

19_GIFTSym6_Authoring_paper_12.pdf (352 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:24 AM [D/L : 1562]

20_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_6.pdf (399 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:27 AM [D/L : 1501]

21_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_28.pdf (836 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:27 AM [D/L : 1990]

22_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_22.pdf (182 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:27 AM [D/L : 1767]

24_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_16.pdf (282 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 2370]

23_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_26.pdf (568 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 1732]

25_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_paper_7.pdf (398 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 1481]

26_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_paper_23.pdf (133 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 1749]

27_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_paper_29.pdf (539 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 3631]

28_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_paper_13.pdf (272 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 1570]

29_GIFTSym6_AIS Standards_paper_5.pdf (51 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 2282]

30_GIFTSym6_AIS Standards_paper_25.pdf (89.9 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 05/14/2018 08:33 AM [D/L : 2234]

02_GIFTSym6_presentation_Architecture_presentation_20.pdf (4.25 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 01:43 PM [D/L : 1609]

01_GIFTSym6_Architecture_presentation_9.pdf (1.23 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 01:43 PM [D/L : 1494]

03_GIFTSym6_Architecture_presentation_17.pdf (1.46 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 01:46 PM [D/L : 701]

04_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_presentation_8.pdf (1.83 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:23 PM [D/L : 1794]

05_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_presentation_27.pdf (1.9 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:25 PM [D/L : 1589]

07_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_presentation_10.pdf (1.44 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:26 PM [D/L : 725]

06_GIFTSym6_Instr Mgt_presentation_24.pdf (2.64 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:26 PM [D/L : 713]

08_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_presentation_3.pdf (2.07 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:27 PM [D/L : 1515]

09_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_presentation_1.pdf (1020 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:27 PM [D/L : 1591]

12_GIFTSym6_Exp_Analysis_Eval_presentation_19.pdf (569 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:28 PM [D/L : 695]

14_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_4.pdf (977 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:28 PM [D/L : 1432]

16_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_21.pdf (1.91 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:28 PM [D/L : 2541]

15_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_2.pdf (2.78 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 847]

18_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_11.pdf (3.52 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 1720]

17_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_18.pdf (1.74 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 740]

19_GIFTSym6_Authoring_presentation_12.pdf (1.88 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 664]

20_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_paper_6.pdf (596 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 1524]

21_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_presentation_28.pdf (1.33 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 1912]

22_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_presentation_22.pdf (1.37 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:29 PM [D/L : 688]

24_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_presentation_16.pdf (627 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:30 PM [D/L : 1444]

23_GIFTSym6_Learner Modeling_presentation_26.pdf (1.47 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:31 PM [D/L : 687]

25_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_presentation_7.pdf (1.45 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:31 PM [D/L : 1849]

26_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_presentation_23.pdf (1.95 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:31 PM [D/L : 777]

27_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_presentation_29.pdf (479 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:32 PM [D/L : 2411]

28_GIFTSym6_Team Modeling_presentation_13.pdf (752 KB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:32 PM [D/L : 1548]

29_GIFTSym6_AIS Standards_presentation_5.pdf (1.65 MB) Cal, Noel, 05/14/2018 04:32 PM [D/L : 1656]

FINAL_Proceedings_GIFTSym6.pdf (8.3 MB) Sottilare, Robert, 07/23/2018 01:28 PM [D/L : 4138]