


Preliminary GIFTSym6 Agenda

Added by Burmester, Elyse over 6 years ago

Day 1: Wednesday, 9 May 2018
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Robert Sottilare
GIFT Architecture Session
0845 - Paper #9 - Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Keith Brawner and Michael Hoffman
0910 – Paper #20 - Potential to Migrate ElectronixTutor to GIFT - Andrew Hampton, Xiangen Hu, Arthur Graesser, Zhiqiang Cai and Andrew Tackett
0935 – Paper #17 - Ontology-driven Methods and a Framework for Enabling Hybrid Team Adaptive Training using Task and Sensor-based Performance Evaluation - Perakath Benjamin, Andrew Stephenson and Rodney Long
1000 – Break
Instructional Management Session
1020 – Paper #8 - Instructional Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Benjamin Goldberg
1045 – Paper #27 - A Blended Approach to Adaptive Learning - Barbara Buck, Matt Genova, Robert Sottilare and Benjamin Goldberg
1110 – Paper #24 - Design and Development of an Adaptive Hypermedia-Based Course for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT: Opportunities and Lessons Learned - Jonathan Rowe, Randall Spain, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott, Benjamin Goldberg and James Lester
1135 – Paper #10 - Effects of feedback framing and regulatory focus are task-dependent - Ashley Oiknine, Kimberly Pollard, Peter Khooshabeh, Antony Passaro and Benjamin Files
Lunch – 1135-1300
Domain Modeling & Research Session
1300 – Paper #3 - Expanding Domain Modeling in GIFT: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
1325 – Paper #1 - The 2018 Research Psychologist’s Guide to GIFT - Anne Sinatra
Publish Only - Paper #14 - Using the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) for Adaptations in Challenge Levels for Collaborative Problem Solving During a Virtual Reality Scenario with Squad Overmatch Applications and Synthetic Training Environment Compatibility - Christopher Meyer, Mike Kalaf, Lucy Woodman and Zach Heylmun
Experimentation, Analytics and Evaluation Methods
1350 – Paper #26 - Modeling Training Efficiency and Return on Investment for Adaptive Training - Gregory Goodwin, James Niehaus and Jong Kim
Publish Only – 15 - Integrating Sensors with GIFT to Maximize Data Exploitation for Improved Learning Analytics - Jong Kim, Robert Sottilare and Keith Brawner
1415 – Break – Technology Demonstrations
Authoring Tools Session
1445 – Paper #4 - The GIFT Authoring Experience: 2018 Update - Rodney Long and Robert Sottilare
1510 – Paper #2 - Incorporating psychomotor skills training into GIFT tutors: Supporting outside-the-box authoring - Debbie Brown, Benjamin Goldberg, Benjamin Bell and Elaine Kelsey
1535 – Paper #21 - Toward Automated Scenario Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning in GIFT - Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James Lester
1600 – Wrap Up Discussion
1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 2: Thursday, 10 May 2018
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare
Authoring Tools Session (continued)
0845 – Paper #18 - Automating Variation in Training Content for Domain-general Pedagogical Tailoring - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Keith Brawner
0910 – Paper #11 - Integrating Sketch Worksheets into GIFT - Kenneth Forbus, Tom Hinrichs, Samuel Hill and Madeline Usher
0935 – Paper#12 - Iterative Development of the GIFT Wrap Authoring Tool - Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg
1000 – Break
Individual Learner Modeling Session
1030 – Paper #6 - Learner Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Gregory Goodwin
1055 – Paper #28 - Workload-Adaptive Training Scenarios for Synthetic Training Environments - Thomas Schnell, Christopher M. Reuter, Ezekiel D. Gunnink, Nathan D. Smith and Jason D. Moss
1120 – Paper #22 - Predicting students' unproductive failure on intelligent tutors - Seoyeon Park and Noboru Matsuda
Lunch – 1145-1315
Individual Learner Modeling Session
1315 – Paper #19 - Perceptual-cognitive Training Improves Cross-cultural Communication in a Cadet Population - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Michael Boyce
1340 – Paper #16 - Personality: A Key to Motivating our Learners - Elizabeth Biddle, Elizabeth Lameier, Lauren Reinerman, Gerald Matthews and Michael Boyce
Team Modeling Session
1405 - Paper #7 - Team Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Anne Sinatra
1430 – Break – Technology Demonstrations
1500 – Paper #23 - Team Performance and Assessment in GIFT: Research recommendations based on Lessons Learned from the Squad Overmatch Research Program - Joan Johnston
1525 – Paper #29 - Scenarios for Training Teamwork Skills in Virtual Environments with GIFT - Robert McCormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Jeff Beaubian and Tara Brown
1550 - Paper #13 - Towards validating a Mission Command Team Training Model in GIFT for Military Populations - Jeanine Defalco, Robert Davis, Michael Boyce, Erik Kober and Ben Goldberg
1615 – Wrap Up Discussion
1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 3: Friday, 11 May 2018
AIS Standards Session
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare
0845 – Paper #5 - Developing Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
0915 – Paper #25 - Learning Technology Standards: the New Awakening - Robby Robson
0945 – Discussion – Viable Options for Near-term AIS Standards – Avron Barr (moderator)
1045 – Break
1115 – Wrap Up Discussion
1145 – GIFTSym6 Adjourns

*subject to change

GIFTSym initial agenda.docx (15 KB) Burmester, Elyse, 04/25/2018 10:42 AM
