From 04/11/2016 to 05/10/2016
- 02:00 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_A Personalized GIFT: Recommendations for Authoring Personalization in the ...
- Personalization of learning content can have a positive impact on learning in a computer based environment. Personali...
- 01:51 PM Document: 2015_09_DHSS_Considerations for learner modeling in a domain-independent intelligent tu...
- This paper focuses on the learner modeling component of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). The majority of ITSs are...
- 10:16 AM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Authoring Tools for Adaptive Training – An Overview of System Types and Ta...
- Brawner, K. (2015, August). Authoring Tools for Adaptive Training–An Overview of System Types and Taxonomy for Classi...
- 02:34 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Augmenting Instructional Practice in GIFT Using the Engine for Management ...
- Authoring adaptation in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) is dependent on the functions made ...
- 02:33 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Designing Representations and Support for Metacognition in the Generalized...
- An important component of metacognition relates to the understanding and use of strategies. Thus, measuring and suppo...
- 01:45 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Opportunities and Risks for Game-inspired Design of Adaptive Instructional...
- The application of game elements within learning environments takes many forms, including serious games, interactive ...
- 01:30 PM Document: 2015_12_I/ITSEC_Development and Evaluation of Mobile Adaptive Training Technologies
- This research involves development and evaluation of adaptive training strategies. The current prototype mobile train...
- 01:29 PM Document: 2015_12_I/ITSEC_Adapting Gunnery Training Using the Experience API
- The Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) has described plans for modernizing Army training in documents such...
- 05:30 PM Document: 2013_07_ Principles of Learning and Instructional Strategies
- 05:28 PM Document: 2013_10_Aug Cog Newsletter_The Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
- Beginning on page 8.
- 05:26 PM Document: 2013_12_I/ITSEC_Characterizing an adaptive tutoring learning effect chain for individua...
- Military organizations worldwide are aiming to mature artificially-intelligent agents (e.g., computer-based intellige...
- 05:25 PM Document: 2014_01_Chapter 6 – The Application of Intelligent Agents in Embedded Virtual Simulations
- In NATO Technical Report: Improving Human Effectiveness through Embedded Virtual Simulation: Findings of Task Group H...
- 05:23 PM Document: 2014_06_ICLS_Workshop “Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning: Preparing Individuals...
- This symposium identifies current trends and future directions in research on metacognition and Self-Regulated Learni...
- 05:13 PM Document: 2014_06_HCII_Research to Practice: Adaptive Technologies and Approaches to Performance ...
- This paper introduces adaptive training as a concept and affirms the importance of current adaptive training research...
- 05:11 PM Document: 2014_06_HCII_Using Learner Data to Influence Performance during Adaptive Tutoring Exper...
- During computer-based tutoring sessions, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) adapt planning and manage real-time inst...
- 05:09 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Augmented Cognition on the Run: Considerations for the Design and Authorin...
- This paper discusses considerations for design and authoring of mo-bile intelligent tutoring system (ITSs). ITSs are ...
- 05:07 PM Document: 2015_08_HCII_Modeling Shared States for Adaptive Instruction
- This paper discusses methods in which adaptive instructional techniques, strategies and tactics (collectively referre...
- 04:37 PM Document: 2015_09_DHSS_Dimensions of Instructional Management Research in Support of the Generali...
- Adaptive training solutions require pedagogically sound instructional management that efficiently moderates a learner...
- 04:35 PM Document: 2015_09_DHSS_Architectural Research in Intelligent Tutoring Technologies
- It is well known that personalized and adaptive training, such as from a human tutor, is dramatically more effective ...
- 04:32 PM Document: 2015_09_DHSS_Domain Modeling in Support of Adaptive Instructional Decisions in the Gene...
- This paper focuses on aspects of domain modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs), adaptive training tools to ...
- 04:31 PM Document: 2015_12_I/ITSEC_Antecedents of Adaptive Collaborative Learning Environments
- This paper explores the effect of critical precursors to realizing successful collaborative instructional environment...
- 04:28 PM Document: 2014_12_An Evaluation of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) from...
- Current US Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training, also known as one-...
- 04:25 PM Document: 2014_12_An Evaluation of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) from...
- Current US Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training also known as one-t...
- 04:23 PM Document: 2014_12_An Evaluation of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) from...
- Current US Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training also known as one-t...
- 04:20 PM Document: 2014_12_Adaptive Tutoring for Self-Regulated Learning: A Tutorial on Tutoring Systems -...
- The tutorial described in this report was conducted at the Human-Computer Interaction International Augmented Cogniti...
- 11:25 AM Document: 2015_03_Fundamentals of Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Self-Regulated Learni...
- The tutorial described in this report was conducted at the Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education Co...
- 11:14 AM Document: 2015_06_EDM - Sensor-Free or Sensor-Full: A Comparison of Data Modalities in Multi-Chan...
- Computational models that automatically detect learners’ affective states are powerful tools for investigating the in...
- 10:42 AM Document: 2015_12_I/ITSEC - Using Augmented Reality to Tutor Military Tasks in the Wild
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been shown to be effective in training a variety of military tasks. However,...
- 10:39 AM Document: 2015_12_I/ITSEC - Extending Intelligent Tutoring Beyond the Desktop to the Psychomotor ...
- Today, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are generally authored to support desktop training applications with the m...
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