



From 04/12/2018 to 05/11/2018


04:01 PM 10_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_14.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
04:01 PM 11_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_31.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
04:01 PM 08_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper 3.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
04:01 PM 09_GIFTSym6_Domain Modeling_paper_1.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:46 PM 06_GIFTSym6_Instr Mgt_paper_24.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:46 PM 07_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_10.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:46 PM 05_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_27.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:46 PM 04_GIFTSym6_Inst Mgt_paper_8.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:34 PM 03_GIFTSym6_Architecture_paper_17.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:34 PM 01_GIFTSym6_Architecture_paper_9.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:34 PM 02_GIFTSym6_paper_Architecture_paper_20.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
03:18 PM Document: 2018_05_Proceedings of the Sixth Annual GIFT Users Symposium
The GIFT Users Symposia began in 2013 with the goal to capture successful implementations of GIFT from the user commu... Sottilare, Robert


09:36 AM Audio for GIFTSym6
In order to hear audio, please dial in to this telecon line:
Participant Number: 4014063
Burmester, Elyse


11:02 AM Share your ideas on the future of education
Understanding the passion of our GIFT user community for education, we are pleased to share this announcement from ou... Sottilare, Robert


04:01 PM Can't make it to Orlando for GIFTSym6... no worries
Hi... we have set up a webex to screen share and provide audio from GIFTSym6... note each day is a different webex...... Sottilare, Robert


10:30 AM Final Agenda for GIFTSym6
See attachments for directions to Partnership III and parking.
*Wednesday Evening, 9 May 2018 - No-Host Dinner, Pl...
Sottilare, Robert


08:12 AM GIFTSym6 Registration
Hi... we are attempting to get a head count for GIFTSym6... if you planning to attend GIFTSym6 (9-11 May), please ema... Sottilare, Robert


10:42 AM Preliminary GIFTSym6 Agenda
*Day 1: Wednesday, 9 May 2018*
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Robert Sottilare
+GIFT Architecture Session+
Burmester, Elyse


07:36 AM Final_Open Access_Vol 11_5-38 pp TICL 2_Sottilare_2018.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
07:34 AM Document: 2018_04_A Comprehensive Review of Design Goals and Emerging Solutions for Adaptive Inst...
Abstract: This article is intended as a companion document to the more focused report provided by the author at the 2... Sottilare, Robert

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