From 06/18/2019 to 07/17/2019
09:41 AM
The Wait is Finally Over!!
- *The 7th Annual GIFT Users Symposium papers and presentations are now live on!* You can view them he...
Burmester, Elyse
10:13 AM
paper14_presentation_An Effectiveness Evaluation of Blended Adaptive Learning Approaches.pptx
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
paper18_presentation_Intelligent, Adaptive Training in the Synthetic Training Environment.pptx
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
paper17_presentation_Integrating GIFT, Competencies, Virtual Reality, and Biometrics to Present T...
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
paper16_presentation_Learner Modeling of Cognitive & Metacognitive Processes for Complex Learning...
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
paper15_presentation_Intelligent Exercise Control Integrating Battle Space Visualization with Ada...
Burmester, Elyse
10:12 AM
paper13_presentation_Towards Deeper Integration of Intelligent Tutoring Systems One-way Student M...
Burmester, Elyse
10:11 AM
paper12_presentation_Understanding Novelty in Reinforcement Learning-Based Automated Scenario Gen...
Burmester, Elyse
10:10 AM
paper8_presentation_Towards Data-Driven Tutorial Planning for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT ...
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper11_presentation_Multimodal Machine Learning in Adaptive Instructional Systems A Survey.pptx
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper10_presentation_Teamwork Training Architecture, Scenarios, and Measures in GIFT.pptx
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper5_presentation_Extending GIFT Wrap to Live Training.pptx
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper7_presentation_Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutori...
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper6_presentation_Authoring Team Tutors in GIFT An Automated Tool for Alignment of Content to L...
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper3_presentation_Recommendations for Interaction Design of GIFT and Adaptive Instructional Sys...
Burmester, Elyse
10:09 AM
paper4_presentation_Application of reinforcement learning for automated contents validation towar...
Burmester, Elyse
10:08 AM
paper1_presentation_Towards Accelerated Learning Pedagogical Templates in GIFT Analogical Reasoni...
Burmester, Elyse
10:08 AM
paper2_presentation_The 2019 Instructor_s Guide to the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tuto...
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper17_Christopher Meyer, Lucy Woodman, Michael Kalaf, Zach Heylmun and Christofer Padilla.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper20_Xiangen Hu, et al.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper19_Zachari Swiecki, Andrew Ruis and David WIllamson Shaffer.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper13_Vincent Aleven, Jonathan Sewall, Juan Miguel Andres-Bray, Octav Popescu, Robert Sottilare...
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper16_Shitanshu Mishra, Naveeduddin Mohammed, Gautam Biswas and Benjamin Goldberg.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:29 AM
paper12_Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Randall Spain and James Lester.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper8_Randall Spain, Jonathan Rowe, Benjamin Goldberg, Robert Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James L...
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper10_Robert McCormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Alexander Case and Dan Howard.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper11_Nathan Henderson, Jonathan Rowe and James Lester.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper6_Benjamin Bell, Keith Brawner, Elliot Robson, Debbie Brown and Elaine Kelsey.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper7_Keith Brawner.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper5_Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper3_Robert Sottilare, Ross Hoehn, Dar-Wei Chen and Behrooz Mostafavi.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper4_Noboru Matsuda and Machi Shimmei.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper1_Jeanine Defalco and Elizabeth Rodriquez.docx
Burmester, Elyse
09:28 AM
paper2_Anne Sinatra.docx
Burmester, Elyse
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